Root foundation was born out of necessity. Over the years, the monster of
environmental pollution started engulfing cities after cities, countries after
countries. The government, the policy makers, the think tanks and the activists
kept trying and assuring, but try did not seem enough and the monster kept
growing in size and threat. That was the time we felt that no government, no
institution and no handful of scientists
can tackle the problem. The need was felt that it is the responsibility of
every citizen on the planet to act on his own and contribute his one bit to
defeat this monster! But the bigger question was, how will he do it? We, some
of the like minded persons cutting across the strata of age, sex, education,
roots, backgrounds, brainstormed on this burning issue and concluded that the
common man does not know, how will he do it? And thus was born Earth Root Foundation
with a determination to let every human being know, how and what can he do to
save the mother earth from the clutches of pollution?
ran through the arguments that we had and critical analysis of what we saw and
set our vision at empowering every human with knowledge about the pollution and
how can they contribute to mitigating it in his own microenvironment and
collectively with fellow humans towards local solutions with global
have chalked out the task at hand that we urgently need to perform. Creating
awareness about the problem of environmental pollution in totality that
includes air, water and soil is our first priority. So we decided to host
events like seminars, debates, field activities, art competitions, quizzes to
engage all strata of the community and will continue to do so till we reach the
last man standing. We also are taking up activities to engage home makers,
senior citizens and people in marginalized communities by reaching out to them
and not waiting for them to come to us. We are covering the complete spectrum
of stakeholders. Scientists, technologists, engineers, architects, doctors,
policy makers, opinion makers, activists on one hand and the farmers, home
makers, grass root workers, marginalized communities on the other hand and
through activities are developing linkages among them and building bridges of
knowledge and inculcating sense of collective responsibilities and
contributions to fight the monster of pollution. We will utilize all modalities
and all resources at our hands, be it writing books, creating comics, enacting nukkad
nataks and demonstrating ways to tackle pollution.
We will not rest, we will not stop till we see our
vision materialised, mission realized and objectives achieved.
We envision that the planet can be restored to its
pollution free, dignified, livable entity where all living beings co-habit for
their mutual survival and growth.
Our mission is to make every citizen aware of the
problem of pollution so that he feels the responsibility of contributing his
bit to tackle it.
Our goal is to use every available resource to reach
each citizen in the country to fulfil the mission and achieve the vision.
To utilize the human capital of this rich country in
every possible way to fight pollution at local and global level.
To volunteer for small initiative in protecting mother earth please participate here.
Thank You !