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From Dust to Life: Turning our Desserts Green
Hana Dhaka
Consultant, EXL Service, New Delhi
(Published on: 31 July, 2024 @11 AM)

Did you know that over 75% of Earth's land is already degraded? This alarming statistic comes from the European Commission's World Atlas of Desertification. They predict that by 2050, more than 90% of our land could face degradation. 

To combat this, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially Goal 15, aim to protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests sustainably, combat desertification, and halt biodiversity loss.

One of the most affected regions is the Sahel in Africa, where climate change has led to droughts, food shortages, and conflicts over scarce resources, prompting many to migrate to Europe.

Efforts are underway to counteract these effects. Research is focused on developing efficient tree-planting vehicles for deserts and creating crops that can thrive in arid conditions, like Hedysarum scoparium and Caragana korshinskii.

The Great Green Wall project aims to restore 386,000 square miles across 20 African countries by 2030, planting trees to provide food, jobs, and a sustainable future for millions.

Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 and the Saudi Green Initiative plan to plant 10 billion trees using recycled water, reducing pollution, carbon emissions, and improving air quality.

Israel, once 60% desert, is now known for its water innovations. In 1939, a brilliant Polish hydraulic engineer named Simcha Blas was tasked with creating a new water distribution system. The Israel Water Authority, through techniques like 'Drip Irrigation,' has boosted agriculture, conserving water and improving crop yields, generating $2 billion in sales annually, primarily from fruits and vegetables

These examples highlight global efforts to combat land degradation and climate change through innovative and sustainable solutions. 

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