We know that Climate Change is a dangerous reality, one that will increasingly touch our live, those of our children and many of the poorest people on our planet. Serious consequences can already be seen in the form of floods, heat waves, more violent storms and the rise of sea levels.
There are many ways that we can lower our carbon footprint. It is easier when we all do it together.
So we are organising a webinar on the topic - The Politics of the climate crises and the climate change Denialism.
Join us live for this webinar cum interactive session with Dr. Gerald Kutney.
Our guest speaker Dr. Gerald Kutney has a PhD in chemistry and is an elected Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. He is an author, public speaker, and commentator on MSM. He has penned the book Carbon Politics and the Failure of the Kyoto Protocol.
Date: 12th April, 2021
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM(IST)
To register yourself for the webinar Click here
To join the meeting Click here
To volunteer for small initiative in protecting mother earth please participate here.
Thank You !